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Homework wc 29th June

Click here for the Home Learning page, packed with a variety of activities.

Please send any completed work to your teacher, via email. The full list can be found here.

Please click here to see our guidelines for presentation. 

Year 3 Homework  

Year 3 weekly timetable week beginning 22nd June

1. Layers of the Ocean Reading Comp

2. Maths-puzzle-four-lines

3. JT Maths mat

3. JW Maths mat

3. TB Maths mat

3. Year 3 Maths Mat 1

4. Healthy eating plate template

5. Labelling The Human Skeleton

Build a skeleton

Mr Bones

Year 4 Homework

Year 4 weekly work week beginning 22nd June

1. Comprehension

2. Reading co-ordinates

4. Planning sheet

5. Ultimate times table challenge

6. Support Network Web

7. Checklist and first draft

8. Emoji co-ordinates

10. Plotting continents and countries

11. Translating shapes

12. Template

13. Reflecting shapes

14. Yoga cards


3. Reading co-ordinates answers

9. Emoji co-ordinates answers

Year 5 Homework

Year 5 weekly work week beginning 22nd June

1. Reading-with-Ric-extracts-year-5A

2. Narrative-A-Boy-called-Mouse

4.Challenge - Rounding decimals

5. Challenge - Decimals as fractions

6. Challenge - Ordering decimals

7. Challenge - Decimals as fractions 2

8. Energy sorting cards

9. Advantages and disadvantages of energy

10.Synonyms and antonyms Miss Harris

11. Synonyms and antonyms Miss Vivian and Mrs Adams

Year 6 Homework

Year 6 weekly work week beginning 22nd June

E1 Rainforest Deforestation Comprehension

E2a The Spider and the Fly Poem

E2b Illustrated Version

E3a Written Example

E3b Word Bank Sheets

E4a Planning Sheet

E4b Language Features sheet

E4c Punctuation sheet

M2a Arithmetic Paper 3

M3a Triangular-terror

M3b Four Lines

M4a 10 Question Challenge 2

T1 Palm Oil Comprehension

T2a A Guide To Palm Oil

T2b What's All the Fuss about Palm Oil?

T2c Before and After

T2d In My Opinion


M2b Arithmetic Paper 3 - Mark Scheme

M4b 10 Question Challenge 2 Answers