Homework wc 29th June
Click here for the Home Learning page, packed with a variety of activities.
Please send any completed work to your teacher, via email. The full list can be found here.
Please click here to see our guidelines for presentation.
Year 3 Homework
Year 3 weekly timetable week beginning 22nd June
1. Layers of the Ocean Reading Comp
4. Healthy eating plate template
5. Labelling The Human Skeleton
Year 4 Homework
Year 4 weekly work week beginning 22nd June
5. Ultimate times table challenge
10. Plotting continents and countries
3. Reading co-ordinates answers
Year 5 Homework
Year 5 weekly work week beginning 22nd June
1. Reading-with-Ric-extracts-year-5A
2. Narrative-A-Boy-called-Mouse
4.Challenge - Rounding decimals
5. Challenge - Decimals as fractions
6. Challenge - Ordering decimals
7. Challenge - Decimals as fractions 2
9. Advantages and disadvantages of energy
10.Synonyms and antonyms Miss Harris
11. Synonyms and antonyms Miss Vivian and Mrs Adams
Year 6 Homework
Year 6 weekly work week beginning 22nd June
E1 Rainforest Deforestation Comprehension
E2a The Spider and the Fly Poem
T2b What's All the Fuss about Palm Oil?