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Homework wc 15th June

Click here for the Home Learning page, packed with a variety of activities.

Please send any completed work to your teacher, via email. The full list can be found here.

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Year 3 Homework  

Year 3 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June

1.Miss Wiseman Maths Activity 1

1.Miss Branch Maths Activity 1

1.Mrs Tyler Maths Activity 1

2. Miss Branch Maths Activity 2

2. Mrs Tyler Maths Activity 2

2.Miss Wiseman Maths Activity 2

3. FA Cup Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

4. Miss Wiseman Maths Activity 3

4. Miss Branch Maths Activity 3

4. Mrs Tyler Maths Activity 3

5. Making Muscles

6. Positive Activity Sheet

Year 4 Homework

Year 4 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June

1. Features of an informal letter

2. Mrs Morris' letter

3. Addition and subtraction

4. Classification key

5. Letter planning sheet

6. Multiplication

7. Local history

8. Letter template

9. Charts and graphs

10. 5 pillars of Islam

11a. RWI.HBS comprehension

11b. CH comprehension

11c. KM comprehension

12. Ordering whole numbers

13. Ordering decimals

14. Plurals

15. Online safety

15a. Online safety word search


3a. Addition and subtraction answers

6a. Multiplication answers

11d. All groups answers

Year 5 Homework

Year 5 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June

1. Grammar Activities

2. The Zoo Just Outside of Liverpool

3. Personification

4. Book Review

5.Multiplying fractions - Monday

6.Multiply-Mixed-Numbers-by-Integers-Worksheet - Tuesday

7. -Multiply-Non-Unit-Fractions-by-an-Integer-Worksheet 2 Monday

8. Year-5-Week-6-Fractions-of-Amounts-in-Contexts-Worksheet

9. French worksheet.

Year 6 Homework

Year 6 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June

E1a Four Stories Comprehension 1

E1c Look Closer Comprehension

E2a Crossword

E3a Balanced Argument Example

E3b Point, Evidence and Explanation

E4a Vocabulary help sheet

E4b Target Sheet

M2a Arithmetic Paper 2

M3 10 Question Challenge

M4a Brain Teaser 1:

M4b Brain Teaser 2:

T1a Deforestation

T1b The Deforestation Debate - The Amazon Rainforest

T1c The Effects of Deforestation in The Amazon Rainforest:

T5 How many positives


E2b Crossword hints

E2c Crossword Answers

M2b Arithmetic Paper 2 - Mark Scheme

M3b 10 Question Challenge Answers

E1b Four Stories Answers