Homework wc 15th June
Click here for the Home Learning page, packed with a variety of activities.
Please send any completed work to your teacher, via email. The full list can be found here.
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Year 3 Homework
Year 3 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June
1.Miss Wiseman Maths Activity 1
1.Miss Branch Maths Activity 1
2. Miss Branch Maths Activity 2
2.Miss Wiseman Maths Activity 2
3. FA Cup Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity
4. Miss Wiseman Maths Activity 3
4. Miss Branch Maths Activity 3
Year 4 Homework
Year 4 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June
1. Features of an informal letter
15a. Online safety word search
3a. Addition and subtraction answers
Year 5 Homework
Year 5 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June
2. The Zoo Just Outside of Liverpool
5.Multiplying fractions - Monday
6.Multiply-Mixed-Numbers-by-Integers-Worksheet - Tuesday
7. -Multiply-Non-Unit-Fractions-by-an-Integer-Worksheet 2 Monday
8. Year-5-Week-6-Fractions-of-Amounts-in-Contexts-Worksheet
Year 6 Homework
Year 6 weekly timetable week beginning 15th June
E1a Four Stories Comprehension 1
E3b Point, Evidence and Explanation
M4a Brain Teaser 1:
M4b Brain Teaser 2:
T1b The Deforestation Debate - The Amazon Rainforest
T1c The Effects of Deforestation in The Amazon Rainforest:
M2b Arithmetic Paper 2 - Mark Scheme