Homework wc 18th May
Click here for the Home Learning page, packed with a variety of activities.
Please send any completed work to your teacher, via email. The full list can be found here.
If you would like a daily timetable of activities, click here.
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Year 3 Homework
Year 3 timetable week beginning 18th May
2. Pictures of the different scenes
Answers One Star Mrs Tyler RWI
Answers Three Stars Miss Wiseman
Year 4 Homework
Year 4 timetable week beginning 18th May
7. Non-fiction text and questions
11. Transparent, translucent and opaque
12. Mrs Morris' favourite books
Year 5 Homework
Year 5 timetable week beginning 18th May
1. Reading Comprehension Amun's Diary
2. Writing Prompts, Plan, Checklist and Keywords
3. Maths Word Problems all sets
5. Home-learning-Activity-1-Art-2
7. Spot a raw egg from a cooked one
Year 6 Homework
Year 6 timetable week beginning 18th May
M1. maths-sats-practice-paper-paper-1-arithmetic
M1a. Maths challenge SATS arithmetic crossword