Homework wc 11th May
Click here for the Home Learning page, packed with a variety of activities.
Please send any completed work to your teacher, via email. The full list can be found here.
If you would like a daily timetable of activities, click here.
Please click here to see our guidelines for presentation.
Year 3 Homework
Year 3 timetable week beginning 11th May
e. Parks Trust Baby name challenge
Year 4 Homework
Year 4 timetable week beginning 11th May
1. Goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-Play-script
4. The Romans reading comprehension questions
4. The Romans reading comprehension text all groups
5. Roman armour and weapons reading comprehension
6. Italian menu for money problems
8. Maths problem solving activities
11. PSHE reasons to be grateful
The Romans reading comprehension answers
Year 5 Homework
Year 5 timetable week beginning 11th May
4 Roman-numerals-quiz including ANSWERS
6 What do you want to be - Poem
Year 6 Homework
Year 6 timetable week beginning 11th May
1. Five Children and It reading comprehension