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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We are delighted to announce the opening of a Unit for children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). This unit will cater for 24 Primary children who have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) and require special provision, by September 2026. Places will be allocated by the Local Authority. Currently, our unit is situated at Romans Field School while we wait for building works to be completed at Bradwell Village. 
While the ASC Unit will be a distinct area within our school with its own designated entrance, it will be fully integrated into our whole school ethos. As part of the Inclusive Learning Federation, we firmly believe that every child has the right to quality education. One of the added benefits for our mainstream children will be in the wider expertise of our teaching staff. Having an ASC Unit will ensure we have experienced teachers in both mainstream and special school settings, which will ensure that all children, including both those in the ASC Unit and those in mainstream, have the support they need to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Classroom                                                         Hall

                                   Children's Kitchen 


Miss Branch is the SEND Lead at Bradwell Village School. Any queries about special educational needs can be sent to or contact her on 01908 318088.  Our SEND newsletters can be found on our newsletters section on our website.
Please click on the attachment below to view the BVS provision.  
The Milton Keynes Local Offer can be found here.
Support for parents and carers of children with Special Educational Need and Disabilities  can be found through the SENDIAS team. For further information click here.