Welcome To Bradwell Village School
We are part of The Inclusive Learning Federation which consists of Bradwell Village School, Priory Common School, and Romans Field School.
Our Federation remains unique within Milton Keynes as it brings together a special school and mainstream schools making us a truly inclusive federation. All schools will be working together.
We are delighted to announce the opening of a Unit for children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). This unit will cater for 24 Primary children who have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) and require special provision by September 2026. Places will be allocated by the Local Authority.
Our Aim is to enable each child to be the best version of themselves.!
Our Vision is to develop well rounded, confident, and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal, and all achievements are celebrated.
Our Curriculum intends to enable our children to make the right choices, be prepared for life and be able to have opportunities at every stage of their life.We want our children to grow be resilient, have self-belief, confidence, and high aspirations for themselves.
To enable this to happen, we have high expectations for our children in their behaviour and their learning. We will support them along the way to be independent and ambitious.
Our philosophy is one of continuous improvement, driven by a profound moral purpose: we are determined to make the biggest difference, both inside, outside and beyond the classroom.
We push your child to achieve more and not give up – we do not put limits on our children – we want to enable them to compete fairly with every other child in the country and the world!
I thank all in the Federation; the LA, Governors, pupils, parents, and staff for working so hard to make this provision possible and supporting our children so they don’t miss out and they have an equal opportunity to access their education. We all have a responsibility to engage positively to make sure our children do not have any more gaps in their education!
Please stay safe and look after yourselves.
Miss Lisa Vincent
Executive Headteacher
Should you require paper copies of any documents please contact the school office.