Healthier Together Website Link

The Healthier Together website is a digital resource designed to support children, young people and their parents/carers. It aims to empower parents and carers – giving them the right tools to manage their children and young people’s physical health and emotional well-being. In addition, it has a lot of information for young people to access and use for themselves.
The section for Parents/Carers covers key areas such as ‘Should my child go to school/nursery today’, information on a range of common illnesses and childhood vaccinations, in addition to a large section on SEND. Another section entitled Health for Young People speaks directly to young people and provides information on mental health, sexual health and LGBTQ+ issues.
Thanks to a functionality called Recite Me, the site is also accessible to people who may be disabled, visually impaired, speak English as a second language or are elderly. The web content can be translated into over 100 different languages.