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School News

Page 22

  • Brad Bear''s Desert Adventure

    Published 19/11/10

    Late in October our own Mrs Chancellor, accompanied by Brad Bear, went on an adventure of a lifetime.

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  • History Creative Week

    Published 19/10/10


    This Autumn Term our Creative Week is focused upon History,

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  • Leavers'' Prom

    Published 22/07/10

    Last night saw Year 6 arriving for their Leavers' Prom.

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  • Year 6 Versus Staff Rounders

    Published 21/07/10

    This annual event took place on Tuesday 20th July. Year 6 had trained, they were fighting fit and ready for the challenge ...


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  • Sports Day Washout

    Published 19/07/10

    Monday 12th July was eagerly anticipated – BVS Sports Day.



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  • Charity Afternoon

    Published 19/07/10

    This year our Year 6 pupils decided to support the Rainbow Trust Charity which helps support severely ill children.

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  • Art Inspiration

    Published 31/05/10

    The week prior to the summer half term holiday saw the long awaited return of our Creative Week. This time we focused upon Art.

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  • Discovering China

    Published 29/01/10

    This Friday we were very lucky to be visited by Mr Andy Leatherland, who specialises in teaching children about the culture of China and the Chinese language. Andy presented entertaining, yet very informative, workshops for all the classes in Years 3 and 4. The children were spellbound.

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  • BVS Perform at the MK Theatre

    Published 21/01/10

    Wednesday 20th January was the night of the eagerly awaited 2010 MK DanceXchange.

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  • MK Mayor Visits BVS

    Published 19/01/10
    Mr Euan Henderson, the Mayor of Milton Keynes, and Dr Sam Muthuveloe came in to BVS to present an assembly and talk to the children about the role and responsibilities of being the mayor. They also told the children about Hope Outreach UK, a Milton Keynes based charity which helps children in Sri Lanka whose lives have been devastated by civil war, poverty and the 2004 tsunami.

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  • Strictly Come BVS 2010

    Published 16/01/10

    Pupils from BVS are due to perform at MK Theatre as part of DanceXchange 2010.

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  • Circus Skills

    Published 15/01/10

    Yesterday we were very pleased to welcome back Mr Roder who held a Circus Skills Workshop for both Years 3 and 4.

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