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School News

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  • French Pupils Visit BVS

    Published 17/05/12

    On Friday, 10th May, members of the BVS French Club were visited by Staff and Pupils from L’Ecole de La Nativité a French school in Aix-en-Provence.

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  • MK City Orchestra perform at BVS

    Published 12/05/12

    On Friday we were extremely lucky to be visited by the Milton Keynes City Orchestra.

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  • Eggstravaganza

    Published 21/04/12

    At the end of last term we had an enormous response to our annual Eggstravaganza Competition.

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  • Osmington Bay 2012

    Published 13/04/12

    Monday 5th March saw some of our Year 5 pupils depart for a week of very hectic activities at the PGL Activity Centre at Osmington Bay in Dorset.

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  • Osmington Trip

    Published 05/03/12


    Year 5 pupils, together with Miss Gillam and Miss Wells, have arrived at Osmington Bay. They have just had dinner and are getting ready for Miss Gillam's Room Inspection!

    Read on to find out what happens throughout the week ...

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  • Spring Term 2012 Creative Fortnight

    Published 17/02/12

    This term’s Creative Fortnight has had an arts focus.

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  • Evie Visits BVS

    Published 17/02/12

    As a focus for this term’s Creative Fortnight Year 3 have been studying Land Transport.



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  • BVS Junior Park Rangers

    Published 17/02/12

    In conjunction with the Milton Keynes Parks Trust we have appointed four Junior Park Rangers.

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  • Global Communities Creative Fortnight

    Published 20/11/11

    The theme of our Autumn Term Creative Fortnight was Global Communities and each groups studied a continent.

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  • The MK Rose

    Published 11/11/11

    On Friday 11th November we were invited to take a small group of children to a short Act of Remembrance for Armistice Day in Campbell Park. 

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  • Cross Country Success

    Published 11/11/11

    On Saturday 5th November the BVS Team took part in the MK Cross Country Championships. All the Team showed real determination to complete the long, arduous course. As a result of their efforts BVS has qualified to take part in the finals.

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  • The Bloodhound Car

    Published 06/11/11

    On Wednesday 2nd November twenty of our Year 6 pupils were invited to the opening of the new Innovation and Technology Centre at Milton Keynes College.

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