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School News

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  • Angels at the Abbey

    Published 05/12/16

    On Sunday, 4th December the choir sang at Bradwell Abbey.

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  • Thank you Santander

    Published 07/11/16

    A big thank you to Santander for cutting back trees and bushes in our Environmental Area.

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  • Rainforest Creatures

    Published 07/11/16

    Year 3 had a visit from Paul, the Bug Man. He brought a selection of rainforest creatures.

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  • 2016 Year 6 Leavers

    Published 23/07/16

    July 2016 saw us say a sad, ''Goodbye,'' to our current, amazing, Year 6.


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  • BVS Summer Fayre

    Published 12/07/16

    Friday, 8th July, saw our Parents’ Association, The Friends of BVS, holding their Summer Fayre.

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  • Charity Afternoon

    Published 29/06/16

    Friday, 1st July, saw Year 6 attempting to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK.

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  • Sports Day

    Published 13/06/16

    Weather permitting, we will be holding our annual Sports Day on the morning of Monday, 4th July.

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  • British Museum Trip

    Published 10/06/16

    Friday, 9th June, saw Year 5 depart to London in order to explore the British Museum.

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  • Summer 2016 Creative Fortnight

    Published 28/04/16

    Monday, 16th May, saw the start of our Summer Term Creative Fortnight.

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  • 2016 Pet Week

    Published 10/04/16

    The first week back after the Easter holidays saw the return of our very popular Pet Week for Years 3 & 4. Throughout the week the curriculum was taught using the theme of 'Pets' and we had visits from a number of experts and a variety of animals.

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  • 2016 Sport Relief

    Published 04/03/16

    The theme this year is ‘Do Yourself Proud’ by either walking, running or cycling a mile. Therefore, this year we are going to offer the opportunity for BVS pupils and staff to complete a mile around the playground.

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  • 2016 World Book Day

    Published 22/02/16

    This year World Book Day, which celebrates reading books, authors and illustrators, is on Thursday, 3rd March.

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