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Summer Term Creative Fortnight

Monday, May 19th, saw the start of our Summer Term Creative Fortnight. The focus is History.

During the fortnight the children will be continuing with their Numeracy, Literacy and Reading lessons whilst every effort is made to link these lessons to the History topics they are studying:

  • Year 3  -  Archaeology with a focus on the Ancient Greeks
  • Year 4  -  Homes & Houses Though the Ages
  • Year 5  -  The Tudors
  • Year 6  -  Life During World War II

Each Year Group has timetabled a practical session when parents can come in to BVS and work alongside their child:

  • Year 3  -  Wednesday 21st May                      11.15am – 12.15
  • Year 4  -  Wednesday 4th June                       11.15am – 12.15
  • Year 5  -  Wednesday 21st May                      11.15am – 12.15
  • Year 6  -  Thursday     22nd May                     10am – 11am

On Wednesday 4th June we will be having a special History Day when children and staff can come to school dressed in historical costumes.We hope that everyone makes an effort to get into the spirit of the activity as it promises to be a great learning experience! However, if any child does not wish to ‘dress up’ they must come to school in their normal uniform. Please see the attachments below to get some ideas about costumes.

The fortnight will end on Friday 6th June, between 2.15pm and 3.30pm, when we will be holding an exhibition of the children’s work. In the hall some of the children will be demonstrating a few of the things they have learnt and you will be able to tour around each Year Group to admire the children’s hard work and talent. There will be refreshments available for you to purchase, all made by the children in their efforts to purchase further books for our Library.